March 7, 2024
To access a summary of the Chancellor’s statement, please click on this link.
November 23, 2023
The likely headline contents of yesterday’s Autumn Statement had been heavily trailed and in particular, the prospect of a reduction in Inheritance Tax (IHT) hotly debated. However, in the event, no announcements were forthcoming, so we assume that topic may make an appearance at a later date, possibly as part of the Conservative Party’s manifesto […]
August 21, 2023
US and Japanese equities continued to lead the charge in the second quarter of the year up 7.1% and 9.4% respectively, versus a further fall in value of 5% for the broad bond sector. For UK investors, American equity gains translated into a rise of just 4.7% and a small loss for Japanese equities due […]
May 12, 2023
Resilience in the face of adversity The strong start to the year was tested in March with the failure of several regional banks in the US, followed closely by the bailout of Credit Suisse, the second largest Swiss bank. Unsurprisingly, these events led markets lower over the month as sentiment soured. However, it wasn’t long […]
February 6, 2023
2022 was a difficult year for most investments, but unusually, in a tough year for stock markets, it was Cautious investors who experienced the worst of the downturn. Rapidly rising inflation, caused by supply chain disruptions and low unemployment, left central bankers no choice but to react at similar pace with interest rate rises. This […]
November 18, 2022
On taking office, the Chancellor warned that ‘everyone will have to make sacrifices’ in order to help balance public finances and support the economy get back on track. In this Newsletter we look at the main measures announced in his Statement Please click on this link to access our summary.